In partnership with the Department of Recreation and Parks and the Department of Public Works, LADWP has developed an innovative Stormwater Capture Parks Program to collect rainwater and urban runoff at nine local parks in the East San Fernando Valley. These stormwater capture projects will help replenish the San Fernando Groundwater Basin, improve water quality in the Los Angeles River, and reduce local flooding, and provide recreational and environmental benefits to the community through related park improvements.

Neighborhood stormwater capture projects are an important part of helping LADWP increase the City’s local water supplies and reduce its dependence on more expensive, imported purchased water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). Collectively, these projects are expected to capture nearly 949 million gallons annually— contributing to more than doubling the average stormwater captured from about 21 billion gallons annually to more than 49 billion gallons annually by 2035.  


Project Sites

The nine parks selected for this program provide ideal locations for stormwater projects because they offer the space to capture and infiltrate stormwater, and are conveniently located directly above the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. 

North Hollywood 
Alexandria Park 
North Hollywood Park 
Strathern Park North 
Valley Plaza Park North 
Valley Plaza Park South 
Valley Village Park 
Whitsett Fields Park

Sun Valley 
Fernangeles Park

David M. Gonzales Recreation Center

Community and Environmental Benefits

Each stormwater capture project includes improvements and some may include additional recreational features. Community outreach will ensure that the opportunities for park improvements are consistent with the community’s needs and reduce community impacts during construction.

In addition to the water supply and recreational benefits, stormwater capture projects also reduce local pollutants such as trash, metals and bacteria that enter the Tujunga Wash, Los Angeles River and the ocean.

Get Involved

Each stormwater capture project includes improvements and may include additional recreational features, based on community input. Click on the links below to download the presentation copies from our community meetings. If you have comments or questions, please feel free to reach out to our community liaisons, contact info below.

Program Schedule

Program Design Dec 2019 – July 2024
Environmental Review Sep 2019 – Sep 2021
Public Outreach Jan 2020 – Project Completion
Construction Bid/Award Oct 2024 – Mar 2025
Estimated Construction Apr 2025 – Mar 2027
  David M. Gonzales
May 2025 – Apr 2027
  Valley Village
Jun 2025 – May 2027
Jul 2025 – Jun 2027
  Valley Plaza South
  Valley Plaza North
Mar 2026 – Feb 2028
  Whitsett Fields
  North Hollywood

Environmental Documentation

Following guidelines outlined in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), LADWP prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the project. A copy of the environmental documents can be found at:

Contact Us

LADWP Community Liaison  Christina Holland  213-367-1076  [email protected]