The article is under Programs and Rebates

Business Offerings for Sustainable Solutions (BOSS)

Be the BOSS of your energy consumption and save!

Apply Today
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Let our Business Offerings for Sustainable Solution (BOSS) program’s incentive help with the cost of your next efficiency project! The BOSS program pays you incentives for energy savings achieved through the implementation and installation of a variety of efficiency and electrification measures that meet or exceed minimum industry standards. 


Eligibility Requirements

To participate in BOSS: 

  • Participant must be an LADWP non-residential electric customer in good standing.
  • All projects must undergo pre-installation verification of existing equipment and baseline conditions and receive pre-approval prior to installation and/or implementation of the new measures. Non-compliance will jeopardize eligibility for an incentive payment. 
  • All equipment and/or measures must meet or exceed applicable California Energy Code minimum efficiency requirements and/or industry standards.
  • In most cases, the newly installed equipment must replace existing equipment. 
  • Projects not completed within 12 months of LADWP approval may be cancelled and reserved funds returned to the program fund.

Make certain to review the Terms and Conditions and participation requirements prior to completing the application documents.


Eligible Measures

Please click below for more information on measures eligible for BOSS incentives.

If the efficiency measure you plan to install is NOT listed above, please email details of your BOSS project/measure to [email protected] for review.

Incentive Categories and Rates

End Use*

Commercial Incentive ($/kWh)


$0.08 to $0.40

HVAC – Cooling2


HVAC – Heating2


HVAC – Heating (All Electric)


HVAC – Ventilation2


Process Lighting


Appliance, Plug, Process & Commercial Refrigeration


Domestic Hot Water


Domestic Hot Water (All Electric)


Building Envelope3

$0.30 to $0.65

Whole Building4


*Any End Use categories indicating negative energy efficiency savings and incentives will be deducted from the project’s total efficiency savings and incentive amount. This does not pertain to building electrification measures.

1Applications for lighting measures will be accepted only when submitted in conjunction with another non-lighting BOSS-qualified measure. The BOSS-qualified measure must achieve a minimum of 100,000 kWh in energy savings. Both the BOSS-qualified and lighting measure must be applied for and completed simultaneously. Failure to complete the BOSS-qualified measures will render the lighting measure ineligible for payment. Refer to the Commercial Lighting Incentive Program for specific details about lighting incentive rates and requirements.

2Includes associated retro-commissioning (RCx)/controls and building envelope measures.

3Paid at the rate of the impacted HVAC system.

4Inclusive of all building end uses combined, IPMVP Option C only.

How to Apply

Prior to completing the application documents, review the Terms and Conditions and eligibility requirements to determine if you qualify. All projects require LADWP approval prior to the start of construction or installation of any new equipment. You must prepare and submit an application package to reserve funds.

The BOSS application package includes:

BOSS Application Forms

  • DES Non-Residential Program Application Part A
  • BOSS Supplemental Form Part B
  • BOSS Authorization Form (if applicable)
  • IRS Form W-9


Additional Project Information

  • Completed BOSS Workbook
  • Detailed project scope
  • Photos of pre-existing equipment and nameplates
  • Schematic drawings and/or manufacturer specification sheets for all proposed equipment (if available)
  • Energy Savings Calculation, Energy Model or Measurement & Verification plan (if available)
  • For LED Horticultural Lighting Measures, customers must also submit the following:
  • For Film Set Lighting Measures, customers must also submit a completed Film Set Lighting Workbook with the application.


Submit all required forms and materials via e-mail to [email protected] or mail to:

Attn: LADWP Business Offerings for Sustainable Solutions Program
111 N. Hope Street, JFB Room 1057
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Once your application has been received, a BOSS Program Manager will be assigned to your project and will contact you to confirm receipt of the application.

Important Notices

Projects not completed within 12 months of LADWP approval may be cancelled and reserved funds returned to the program fund. 

LADWP is unable to guarantee estimated energy savings amounts.  LADWP will provide energy savings and incentive calculations only upon completion of the project and verification of the energy savings. 

The incentives are reserved on a first come, first served basis until funds are exhausted.



By applying for an LADWP incentive and/or program, personal information provided may be subject to public disclosure by requesting parties, pursuant to the California Public Records Act.

This program shall at all times be subject to change or termination without notice.