The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is currently undertaking the Groundwater Monitoring and Production Well Installation Project which will provide new groundwater monitoring and production wells throughout the Los Angeles area.

LADWP will use the monitoring wells to characterize groundwater conditions in key groundwater basins, including in the San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin. LADWP will also use the information from some of the wells for National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) compliant response actions at North Hollywood East Wellfield, North Hollywood West Wellfield, Southern San Fernando Basin Wellfields, Mission Wellfield, and Manhattan Wellfield. In addition, LADWP will use one of the monitoring wells to evaluate an upcoming groundwater replenishment project.

The new production wells will augment or replace older production wells with diminishing capacity to enhance LADWP’s ability to pump the City’s adjudicated groundwater rights. LADWP intends to install these wells over a three-year period, starting in 2021.

Production Wells

Monitoring Wells

Program Manager:

Cliff Plumb

(213) 367-0341

[email protected]

Community Affairs:

Michael Ventre

(213) 367-1381

[email protected]