Frequently Asked Questions for Electric Service Environmental Impact Assessment
The following answers address frequently asked questions to assist customers with their environmental impact assessments for new construction projects.
The Power Capacity Map provides the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's customers with insight about the available load capacity throughout the City of Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: Power Capacity Map
The combined effect of this and other new and added loads in the area may require future additions to distribution system capacity. While growth is factored into LADWP’s demand assumptions for the local area, and any impact to electricity infrastructure is then factored into LADWP’s facilities improvement planning process, the LADWP may postpone new power connections until power supply is adequate at any given location.
LADWP’s Power System Reliability Program provides a blueprint for ensuring continued reliable energy service for future generations of Los Angeles residents. LADWP implemented the Power System Reliability Program through a two-pronged approach—rebuilding infrastructure and proactive maintenance—and will invest more than $1 billion in the program over the next 5 to 15 years.
The adequacy of existing infrastructure is determined during the review of the Project’s electrical drawings and load schedules after submittal of plans for the electric service to your region’s LADWP Service Planning Engineer. New project interconnections may require on-site transformation and line extension on public streets.
Electric Service is available and will be provided in accordance with the LADWP’s Rules Governing Water and Electric Service. The availability of electricity is dependent upon adequate generating capacity and adequate fuel supplies. The estimated power requirement for this proposed Project is part of the total load growth forecast for the City of Los Angeles and has been taken into account in the planned growth of the City’s power system.
LADWP does not provide consumption rates.
This cannot be answered without determining the method and voltage of service. If the connection of the project necessitates a disruption, certain procedures and processes will be followed to limit the disruption to a small area.
LADWP doesn’t provide the addresses of its stations in compliance with critical infrastructure protection policies. The Power Capacity Map provides the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's customers with insight about the available load capacity throughout the City of Los Angeles.
Information regarding plans for immediate or future expansion of electrical facilities is not available at this time.
This information can be found on the LADWP Electric Service Website.
Yes, LADWP maintains sole responsibility for providing electrical services to proposed project site.
LADWP does not provide electrical demand factors.