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5 Ways Electric Heating Can Improve Productivity

You've probably heard about how the environmental benefits of electrification — switching from fossil-fueled systems to electric — can help you achieve your sustainability goals. But you've likely got other business goals, such as improving productivity. Can electrification help with that? The answer is yes.

Switching from natural gas heating systems to electric heat pumps, for example, can have several positive impacts on employee productivity.

1. Improved indoor air quality. Natural gas heating systems can release harmful pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds into the indoor air, which can negatively impact employee health and productivity. Electric systems don't produce such pollutants, which can improve indoor air quality.

2. Better comfort. Heat pumps provide more precise room-by-room temperature control than conventional HVAC systems, as well as excellent humidity control throughout your facility. This can help maintain a more comfortable indoor environment and reduce employee discomfort caused by temperature fluctuations.

3. Quieter operation. Electric heat pumps operate more quietly than natural gas heating systems, which can create a more peaceful and less distracting work environment. This can help increase employee focus and concentration, creating a more productive workforce.

4. Fewer maintenance distractions. Heating system maintenance issues can cause reduced comfort and potential downtime. Heat pumps typically require less maintenance than conventional gas heating systems, which can reduce downtime and distractions from maintenance and repair activities. This can help keep your workplace running smoothly and productively.

5. Cost savings. Though the switch to electric heat pumps requires an upfront investment, the lower operating and maintenance costs can lead to significant cost savings over time. This can free up resources that can be invested in other activities that support employee productivity, such as training and career development and workforce wellness programs.

Making the Switch

Heat pumps move heat rather than create it, as with conventional natural gas heating systems. This allows heat pumps to be highly efficient — up to 300% or more. Heat pumps also move heat into or out of buildings, so the same system can also provide highly efficient cooling for year-round comfort.

Two types of heat pumps are commonly used — geothermal and air-source. Geothermal systems take advantage of the relatively constant temperature under the ground. These systems require a series of underground pipes and are typically more expensive to install.

Air-source heat pumps pull heat out of the air and move it into the building. This is possible because even the coldest outdoor air in winter contains some heat. Work with a qualified contractor to decide with type of system best fits your needs.

Financial Assistance Can Help

Upgrading your HVAC system requires an upfront investment, but financial incentives can help reduce the cost and increase your return on investment. Heat pump upgrades may be eligible for a federal tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot of building space if they are part of overall energy-efficiency improvements that demonstrate a 50% reduction in energy usage.

State and local financial incentives may also be available. See the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency to search for incentives that may be available in your area.

By making the switch to electric space heating, you'll not only help improve the energy efficiency of your facility, but you'll make your workplace more comfortable and productive.

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