Newsletter Article

5 Ways to Improve Water Pump Performance

Pumps are critical to the operations of many commercial and industrial facilities, but their energy costs can be a real drain on cash flow. Moreover, pump system performance degrades over time, costing even more. Because pump inefficiencies are not always easy to spot, opportunities to save water, energy and money often get lost in the stream.

Pump Up System Performance

If your pump system is isn't performing as well as it should, there are measures you can take to improve efficiency and reduce your operating costs.

1. Install speed controls. Motors typically run at a constant speed, while pump loads often vary. Installing variable frequency drives on pump motors with varying loads can provide energy savings of 30% to 80%. These savings only apply to circulating pump systems, not systems with high static heads.

2. Cut it down to size. Pumps are routinely oversized. Reduce pump size where necessary to better match the load. Install parallel systems for highly variable loads. The Hydraulic Institute recommends using two or more smaller pumps instead of one large pump, so excess capacity can be turned off.

3. Go with the flow. Equalize flow over the production cycle using holding tanks. Eliminate bypass loops and other unnecessary flows.

4. Upgrade system components. Replace a standard pump with a more efficient model or one with an efficient operating point better suited to the operating flows. An estimated 16% of pumps have been in use for more than 20 years. Although the age of the pump may not be a problem, processes change over time.

5. Stay trim. To avoid wasting energy, trim impellers to reduce pump speeds for fixed loads. Replace worn impellers, especially in semi-solid applications. Pump efficiency degrades up to 6% for impellers less than the maximum diameter and with increased wear ring clearance.

For additional energy-saving recommendations, see Improving Pumping System Performance from the U.S. Department of Energy.

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