Newsletter Article

Get Comfortable This Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is November 25, 2023. It's a day for Americans to discover and celebrate small businesses. As you get ready, shouldn't you make sure your business is comfortable? These simple tips will help you create a more inviting indoor environment and save you money as well.

Check your heating system. If you haven't done so already, hire a qualified professional to inspect and clean your heating system. It will help make sure your system is operating efficiently and reliably.

Seal air leaks. Gaps around doors and windows not only make your heating system work harder, but they can create drafts and cold spots that make your indoor environment less comfortable and inviting. Check for and seal any gaps with caulk or weatherstripping.

Adjust the thermostat. Set indoor temperatures between 68°F and 72°F to save energy and account for people entering your business from the cold wearing seasonal attire. Wi-Fi thermostats optimize savings and convenience with programmable settings and remote control.

Ensure airflow. Keep furnace vents clear from blockage by furniture and other equipment. This will help ensure that air flows freely, maintaining a comfortable, uniform temperature throughout your business.

Hit the lights. Dimmed or burnt out bulbs put your business, and your products, in a bad light. Now's a great time to start upgrading to high-efficiency LEDs. If you're using linear fluorescent tubes for ceiling lights, LED replacement tubes and retrofit kits are available. Vivid LED display lighting can also help make your products stand out.

These cost-saving measures will improve the comfort and efficiency of your business, boosting your bottom line on Small Business Saturday and all year long.

November 2023 Empowering Small Business

LADWP's monthly Empowering Small Business Newsletter helps inform industry-specific small business customers about LADWP news, conservation programs and ways to save on their bill.

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