Newsletter Article

LADWP Hosts Energy and Water Efficiency Program Overview and Building Ordinance Updates

On August 25, 2023, LADWP hosted the Energy Efficiency Programs and Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency Program (EBEWE) Ordinance Updates Workshop. More than 120 participants attended online and in-person.

It was the first time since 2019, that LADWP hosted commercial customers and contractors in-person at the John Ferraro Building, which provided the attendees an opportunity to network.

During the workshop, a representative from the Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) provided important information about the City of LA’s EBEWE Ordinance. In addition to annual utility consumption benchmarking, it requires that buildings achieve efficiency targets or perform audits and retro-commissioning on a five-year cycle as determined by the property’s Building ID.

Commercial, Industrial and Institutional (CI&I) representatives provided information about rebate programs that help customers achieve these targets while receiving incentives for installed and implemented energy efficiency measures through the Commercial Lighting Incentive Program (CLIP), Custom Performance Program (CPP) and rebates for implementing retro-commissioning (RCx) measures.

Guests were also treated to a surprise appearance by LADWP’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Aram Benyamin who expressed his gratitude for their participation in LADWP’s programs and contributions toward helping LADWP achieve regulatory and sustainability goals.

The CPP and Zero by Design programs will be hosting a workshop on December 5th to help our provide an overview of new application process and incentive rates. The CLIP Program will be scheduling a workshop in the near future. Please contact your Account Advisor for more information on registration for these workshops.

October 2023 Connections Newsletter

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