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A Look into the Future: 5 Smart City Trends for 2024

Across the nation, local governments are increasingly enacting smart city initiatives to improve energy efficiencies, reduce carbon emissions, increase residents’ quality of life, and drive economic growth. From connected sensors and devices to the use of data analytics and smart infrastructure, here are five of the top smart city trends we can expect to see more of as we roll into 2024.

1. Improved Connectivity

The pending rollout of 5G connectivity will further drive adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices in smart cities. 5G brings with it the ability to transmit data in real-time, enabling cities to use smart sensors and devices to better manage traffic congestion, crowd density, air quality, and public safety. Sensors can be used to understand foot traffic, driving and parking patterns, and even detect gunshots. The data from those connected devices allows the city to make better, data-informed decisions about future infrastructure and city planning.

2. Expanded Use of Artificial Intelligence

All those sensors and connected devices coming online in the next year will generate zettabytes of data — well more than any human could process in a reasonable time frame. That’s why tech giants and startup software companies alike are developing artificial intelligence-driven platforms to aid with the analysis. AI can alert city leaders to trends and patterns within the mountains of data, helping them improve the efficiency of everything from advanced water and waste management systems to smart energy grids. For leaders looking to make their cities more walkable, AI-generated data can aid in urban planning. For cities in disaster-prone areas, AI can even use sensor data and predictive analytics to make cities more resilient in the face of climate change.

3. Increased Electric Vehicle Access

Smart cities will continue infrastructure investments to increase the adoption of electric vehicles (EV) across all segments of the population. Equitable access will be at the forefront of sustainable transportation planning, especially when it comes to the location of public EV charging stations in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. In addition to adding an exponential number of EV charging stations, many local governments are expected to grow micro-mobility solutions, such as bike-sharing programs, as well as clean up public transportation with electric and low emissions buses.

4. More Renewable Energy

As smart cities advance their plans to electrify everything from buildings to transportation, one thing is for certain — they’re going to need more electricity. To meet the increased demand, many leaders will opt to invest in renewable energy resources rather than traditional fossil fuel-based generation. New solar, wind, energy storage, and microgrid projects are being announced almost every week by local governments, including those in Santa Barbara and San Diego, California, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Chicago, Illinois.

5. Addressing the Digital Divide

In our increasingly connected world, many critical services are moving online. Smart cities recognize that it’s critical for all members of a community to have access to those digital services, regardless of socioeconomic status or which part of town they live in. Addressing the digital divide is expected to be a hot topic across smart cities in 2024, as they work to ensure all citizens have access to information and communication technologies. In Detroit, for example, plans are underway to ensure the Motor City’s residents all have access to broadband internet service, appropriate digital devices, digital literacy programs, and technical support.

January 2024 Empowering Small Business

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