Newsletter Article

October Is Energy Awareness Month

October is National Energy Awareness Month, a nationwide effort to promote smart energy choices and highlight the fact that we all make decisions that can reduce energy use and increase sustainability.

Take Action

You can help by taking steps to conserve energy and improve the efficiency of your facility. Start simple: flip the switch, make an adjustment, fix a leak. You’ll be surprised how much you can save. Here are some tips:

•    Turn off lights when not in use or when natural daylight is sufficient. This can reduce lighting expenses by 10 to 40 percent.

•    Activate sleep settings on computers and office equipment so they automatically enter low-power mode when inactive.

•    Adjust building temperatures to save energy at night or when the building is unoccupied. Recalibrate thermostats for seasonal changes.

•    Regularly check and maintain all energy-using equipment to ensure efficient operation.

•    Hire a qualified professional to inspect heating and cooling systems once per year.

•    Consolidate office equipment, such as printers and copiers. You’ll save energy and likely reduce paper costs as well.

Spread the Word

Energy awareness campaigns in the workplace have been proven to help reduce energy use and save money. The secret to success is to get everyone involved. Form an energy team with members from all departments. Get the support of upper management and publicize the results of your efforts.

By implementing a successful campaign, you can make every month Energy Awareness Month at your facility.

October 2023 Empowering Small Business

LADWP's monthly Empowering Small Business Newsletter helps inform industry-specific small business customers about LADWP news, conservation programs and ways to save on their bill.

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