Newsletter Article

Rebate for Replacing Grass Lawns Increased to $5/Square Foot

Even as the drought continues, our customers have consistently logged record-low water use throughout the summer and into the fall. And through our suite of conservation rebates and programs, we keep finding new ways to support our customers in their conservation efforts.

Among the most recent is our increase to the rebate for customers replacing their grass lawns with drought-tolerant landscaping. Effective October 1, our Turf Replacement Program now pays both residential and commercial customers $5 per square foot to make the switch, up from the previous $3 per square foot.

Landscaping is a key area where customers can cut back on their water use. Each year, grassy lawns guzzle approximately 44 gallons more per square foot than sustainable landscaping—which means turf transformation can translate into a significant conservation opportunity.

To participate, customers must first receive application pre-approval before beginning their replacement project. A rebate of $5 per square foot is available for projects from 250 square feet to 50,000 square feet in size. Larger commercial turf replacement projects, ranging in size from 50,001 square feet to 7 acres, are eligible for a $3 per square foot rebate beyond the initial 50,000 square feet incentive for their project.

Under this program, almost 52 million square feet of turf have been replaced. The water saved by these landscaping projects is approximately the amount used by more than 28,000 homes each year!

Learn more about our Turf Replacement Program at or by contacting your account advisor. More information about our commercial water conservation rebates is available at

November 2022 Connections Newsletter

From industry trends and best practices to sustainability initiatives, our monthly Connections Newsletter provides valuable insights, updates, and resources to support our large business customers.

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