Newsletter Article

Reduce Operating Costs with Wise Water Use

If you're looking for ways to reduce costs, consider a water efficiency program. By using less water, you can plug a real drain on your operating budget. You'll not only lower your water and wastewater disposal costs, but your energy bills, as well.

Plus, clean water is not an endless resource. By conserving, you'll contribute to your community, helping to improve water quality and mitigate the impact of shortages or droughts.

Make a Company-wide Commitment to Efficiency

•Designate a water efficiency coordinator
•Develop a mission statement and a plan
•Educate and involve your employees in water efficiency efforts
•Inform chemical suppliers or service contractors that water efficiency is a priority for your company

Switch to Efficient Fixtures and Equipment

•Upgrade to high-efficiency toilets or retrofit water-saving devices on existing toilets
•Install faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads
•Replace worn-out equipment with water-saving models
•Recycle water flow through cooling towers or replace machinery with air-cooled equipment
•For kitchen and laundry operations, install high-efficiency dishwashers and clothes washers

Simple Changes Can Save a Lot of Water

•Find and repair all leaks
•Regularly maintain all water-using equipment
•Only wash full loads of dishes or laundry
•Scrape, rather than rinse, dishes before washing
•Handle waste materials in a dry state whenever possible
•Switch to green cleaning, which can reduce water and chemical consumption by up to 90%

Water-saving Tips for Landscape Irrigation

•Water the lawn or garden during the coolest part of the day — early morning is best
•Adjust sprinklers to water the lawn only — not the street or sidewalk
•Install moisture sensors on irrigation systems
•Avoid watering on windy days
•Use soaker hoses or trickle irrigation for trees and shrubs
•Aerate turf to encourage movement of water to the root zone
•Use mulch around shrubs and plants to reduce evaporation and minimize weed growth
•Replace grass with native ground cover, which requires less watering

Additional Conservation Ideas for Outdoors

•Sweep or use a blower to clean paved areas, rather than hosing them off
•When using a hose, control the flow with an automatic shut-off nozzle
•Don't install or use ornamental water features unless they recycle the water
•Avoid operating water features during a drought
•When replacing walkways and parking lots, consider a permeable pavement system, which reduces runoff and improves water quality
For more information on water-saving practices and water-efficient equipment, visit the LADWP website’s page on conservation tips.

July 2022 Connections Newsletter

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