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  • Building Benchmarking Program Banner

    This webpage will guide you in obtaining and tracking your energy and water consumption, using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®. This will help you comply with the City of Los Angeles’ Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Ordinance (EBEWE), which became effective January 1, 2017. It also serves to comply with State Legislation that requires statewide building energy use benchmarking.

  • Drought tolerant landscape with native plants.

    The transformation of lawns to native or California Friendly® landscaping is a practical and impactful step towards water conservation and climate resilience.

  • Commercial Water Conservation Rebates Hero Image

    LADWP continues to offer a wide array of rebates and incentive programs that encourage water use efficiency and sustainable landscaping for businesses including rebates for appliances and irrigation equipment.

  • A Flume smart home water monitor device is positioned to the right of a smartphone showing the Flume app’s dashboard.

    Get exclusive savings on a Flume smart home water monitor to help you track your water use, catch household leaks, and more.

  • Free Water Conservation Items Program Banner

    LADWP offers free showerheads and aerators to our customers! Click to learn more about how you can sign up to receive free water conservation items.

  • Landscape Training Classes Program Banner

    Classes are available online and in person and provide a cursory overview of the benefits of a California Friendly® Native Plant landscape, how to remove turf and replace it with low-water-using landscape, and garden design and plant selection.

  • front yard with mulch

    Mulch plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a drought tolerant landscape. Mulch is available at no cost to all City of LA residents through LA Sanitation's Free Mulch Giveaway program.

  • Photo of hand with finger on bathroom faucet handle

    LADWP’s My Water Insights is a free home water management program designed to help customers better understand their water use through home water reports and a user-friendly online portal.

  • Water Conservation Campaign 2024 Hero Image

    Through a partnership with the Metropolitan Water District’s SoCal Water $mart program, LADWP offers water conservation rebates for clothes washers, toilets, leak detection, turf replacement and landscape irrigation.

  • Technical Assistance Program (TAP) banner

    The TAP program assists commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential customers with modernizing their facilities with the latest water efficient equipment, saving money and conservation.

  • Turf Replacement Program Banner

    Save on your water bill by transforming your lawn with the Turf Replacement Rebate, LADWP’s most popular water conservation program. Residential and Commercial customers can receive support and rebates for sustainable landscaping improvements.