A component of the Owens Lake Master Project, the objective of the Owens Lake Groundwater Development Program (OLGDP) is to utilize groundwater from beneath Owens Lake to provide a portion of water demand for dust mitigation on Owens Lake in an environmentally sustainable manner.
To better understand the Owens Lake geohydrology, LADWP is utilizing an Adaptive Management Strategy for the development of groundwater at Owens Lake to ensure groundwater dependent resources are protected.
The plan is to implement OLGDP in three (3) Phases:
- Phase I is to develop a baseline which includes conducting a variety of studies to update the current conceptual model of Owens Lake groundwater system. Based on the studies conducted, a management plan is developed, and Hydrologic Monitoring, Management, and Mitigation Plan (HMMMP) is prepared. The HMMMP will support preparation of environmental documentation and in acquiring necessary leases and permits.
- Phase II is the start of groundwater pumping at a rate lower than what is determined to be sustainable while leaning more on the groundwater system and the effect of resources around the lake, and
- Phase III is full implementation of the groundwater pumping to supply a portion of water needed for dust mitigation at Owens Lake.
OLGDP commenced in 2014 based on the results from the Owens Lake Groundwater Evaluation Project (OLGEP), which was conducted from 2009 to 2012.
OLGDP Information
Efforts completed since 2012
Efforts to better characterize the subsurface geology and hydrogeology of Owens Lake have included the installation of 14 alluvial monitoring wells in 2013, 27 piezometers in 2015, two testing wells, five monitoring wells, and seven piezometers in 2018 and 2019, and a pumping test plan for aquifer characterization.
Work is ongoing to collect data for improvement and calibration of the computer model and development of a Hydrologic Monitoring, Management, and Mitigation Plan (HMMMP) to ensure local groundwater dependent resources are protected as the project progresses.
2013 Alluvial Monitoring Wells Report
2015 Piezometer Installation Report
2019 Short-Term Pumping Test Report (Draft)
2020 Baseline Groundwater Quality at Owens Lake
Owen Lake Groundwater Model Update Documentation - June 2020
Operational Test of Testing Well TW-E at Owens Lake
Invitation to Review the Revised Testing Plan
Revised Testing Plan - May 2020
Inyo County Water Department Comments and Responses
Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District Comments and Responses
California State Lands Commission Comments and Responses
Big Pine Paiute Tribe Comments and Responses
Updated Testing Plan - February 2021
Updated Testing Plan Appendices
CEQA Documentation - Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration
Groundwater Monitoring at Owens Lake
Groundwater Gradient Monitoring at Springs and Seeps - September 2021
Groundwater Monitoring in Cluster Wells - September 2021
Cross Section of Groundwater Levels in Cluster Monitoring Wells - September 2021
Groundwater Monitoring at Vegetated Dune Areas - September 2021
Horizontal Groundwater Gradient Monitoring - September 2021
Consolidated Hydrologic Monitoring at Owens Lake
Description of the State Lands Commission Lease
Quarterly Report - September 2024
Informational Miniseries
Protection Against Land Subsidence
Groundwater Working Group Meetings
October 24, 2019
Meeting Summary
Owens Lake GWG Summary 10-24-2019
Supporting Material
Update on 24-hour Pumping Tests of Testing Wells TW-East and TW-West
Owens Lake Groundwater Model Update
Resource Protection Protocol for Vegetated Dune Areas
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and OLGDP
February 4, 2021
Meeting Agenda
Owens Lake GWG Meeting Agenda 02-04-2021
Meeting Summary
Owens Lake GWG Summary 02-04-2021
Supporting Material
Six-Month Operational Test of Testing Well TW-E at Owens Lake
OLGEP Information
LADWP, in cooperation with Inyo County Water Department (ICWD) and Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD), conducted a study of the groundwater under Owens Lake to evaluate feasibility of utilizing groundwater to supply part of the water demand for the dust mitigation program on Owens Lake. The study commenced in March 2009 and was completed in November 2012. The consulting firm on this project was MWH Americas, Inc.
Please click below to view the Final Report along with main appendices for the Owens Lake Groundwater Evaluation Project (OLGEP).
Hard copies of the final report are available at Inyo County Free Library branches located in Bishop, CA and Independence, CA.
Updated Conceptual Model Report
Updated Conceptual Model Report Appendices
Groundwater Model Documentation
Groundwater Model Documentation Attachments
Evaluation of Geophysical Data, Phase II