The article is under Water System

Water Conservation

LADWP offers Angelenos various programs, resources, and rebates to ensure LA doesn’t waste another drop.

Water Conservation Hero Banner Image

LADWP is one of the few water agencies across the state to mandate water use restrictions continually since the early 1990s. We encourage conservation and water use efficiency through various outreach and educational programs and offers generous incentives for water-saving measures and devices, such as turf replacement and high-efficiency clothes washers. 

Free Water Conservation Items Program Banner

LADWP offers free showerheads and aerators to our customers! Click to learn more about how you can sign up to receive free water conservation items.

Water Conservation Campaign 2024 Hero Image

Through a partnership with the Metropolitan Water District’s SoCal Water $mart program, LADWP offers water conservation rebates for clothes washers, toilets, leak detection, turf replacement and landscape irrigation.

A Flume smart home water monitor device is positioned to the right of a smartphone showing the Flume app’s dashboard.

Get exclusive savings on a Flume smart home water monitor to help you track your water use, catch household leaks, and more.

Turf Replacement Program Banner

Save on your water bill by transforming your lawn with the Turf Replacement Rebate, LADWP’s most popular water conservation program. Residential and Commercial customers can receive support and rebates for sustainable landscaping improvements.

Helpful Resources

Non Functional Turf

A new state regulation bans the irrigation of decorative/ornamental or non-functional grass with potable water in commercial, industrial, and institutional settings. The regulation does not restrict the watering of non-turf plantings or trees, which are important for shade and cooling. More information can be found here.

Other Resources

Water Conservation Ordinance

Find out more about current outdoor water restrictions, how to apply for a variance and other ordinance related information.

Water Conservation Ordinance


Read our FAQs related to Water Conservation.


Water Conservation Measures

Redo your landscape, upgrade your washing machine, replace outdated plumbing devices, and take advantage of LADWP Water Conservation Measures for both residential and commercial facilities.

Water Conservation Measures