Currently active water and power projects in the East Valley:
Water Projects
Mid-Valley Water Facility Project
LADWP is constructing a new Water System District Yard that will consolidate and provide critical functions in support of Water System operations throughout the San Fernando Valley.
Mission Wells Chloramination Station Project
Mission Wells Chloramination Station Project will a new facility that will replace the current chlorine system and will provide chloramine disinfection to the groundwater supply distributed by the Mission Wells Facility.
New Wells Installation Project
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is currently undertaking the Groundwater Monitoring and Production Well Installation Project which will provide new groundwater monitoring and production wells throughout the Los Angeles area.
Recycled Water Projects
As the City’s imported water supply becomes more critical, so does the need to expand our local, sustainable water resources, including water recycling.
Redmont Pump Station and Tank (PST) Project
Page providing information on the Redmont Pump Station and Tank (PST) Project.
Stormwater Capture Parks Program
In partnership with the Department of Recreation and Parks and the Department of Public Works, LADWP has developed an innovative Stormwater Capture Parks Program to collect rainwater and urban runoff at nine local parks in the East San Fernando Valley.
Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project
LADWP and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) partnered to enhance the 150-acre Tujunga Spreading Grounds, an important stormwater capture and groundwater recharge project that will help increase local water supplies and reduce L.A.’s reliance on expensive imported water.